April is National Financial Capability Month

By Kyra Cummings

FEMA graphic – Have an emergency rainy day fund. You never know when it may pour…

First Aid isn’t just for injuries but is also relevant in finances! Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) makes financial first aid easy to navigate with their Emergency Financial First Aid Kit (EFFAK). April is National Financial Capability Month, which makes it the perfect time to check out these resources and take charge of your financial resilience.

FEMA and Operation HOPE’s Financial First Aid Kit

Developed by FEMA and Operation HOPE, the EFFAK helps the public in organizing important household, financial and medical information. The EFFAK includes a checklist for public use to ensure crucial information is accounted for.

You can create your own emergency financial first aid kit by compiling important documents such as household identification, contacts, medical information, and financial and legal information, reviewing insurance plans for accuracy, storing copies electronically and in stare locations, and updating the plan often to make sure everything is current.

Creating your own emergency financial first aid kid helps minimize financial burden should a disaster or emergency occur. This can give you peace of mind knowing that you are prepared should a disaster or emergency strike.

Other Financial Preparedness Tips

In addition to creating an emergency financial first aid kit, consider an emergency savings account obtaining homeowners, health and life insurance if you do have all of them yet, and review policies to make sure you are covered for all possibilities.

Visit these resources for more information:

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