World Refugee Day 2023: ‘Hope Away From Home’

By Bisher Nasir

UNHCR graphic, © UNHCR/Hallouli Mohamed Ameur

World Refugee Day (June 20) is an annual day designated by the United Nations to honor refugees from all parts of the world. This day is dedicated to the courage and resilience of people who have been forced to escape from their home countries due to violence, conflict, or persecution.

This is a crucial day for refugees, as it helps drive political action and gather resources to help refugees survive and prosper in their new environment. On World Refugee Day, countries around the globe hold events to welcome and honor refugees and raise awareness. These can range from community-and-citywide welcome parties to painting murals and billboards, lighting up monuments, marathons and solidarity walks, traditional dances, and even writing songs that celebrate the bravery of refugees.

This year’s World Refugee Day theme is “hope away from home”. The mission this year is to create a world in which refugees are always included, by including them in their new communities and helping them rebuild their lives in their new location. In order to get involved in this year’s theme, people can learn about the United Nations’ Aiming Higher Campaign, which helps support the creation of scholarships for young refugees. Also, a global art contest will be held on June 20th, in which people will have the opportunity to design shirts in order to raise funds for refugees. Additionally, people can advocate across social media, raising awareness and helping others to get involved.

Having to flee one’s home country is a frightening and upending experience, but by participating in this year’s World Refugee Day, we can help ease their transition into their new communities and support them through their journey. Visit to learn more.

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