Jennifer Roach-Dixon honors her mother’s legacy by donating platelets

By Yesh Kane

Jennifer Roach-Dixon. Submitted photo

Blood donation is a selfless act that has the power to save lives and bring hope to those in need. Many individuals are inspired to donate blood due to personal experiences or the desire to make a positive impact.

Meet Philadelphian Jennifer Roach-Dixon, a pastry chef by profession who is also a passionate platelet donor and hopes to motivate others to embark on this immensely satisfying endeavor.

Jennifer’s motivation to make her first blood donation stemmed from her mother’s challenging battle with dialysis in the final years of her life. Witnessing her mother’s dislike for needles and being attached to a machine deeply impacted Jennifer. Inspired by her mother’s spirit of helping others, she found solace in donating platelets, giving her a unique opportunity to honor her mother’s memory. Jennifer also competes on a women’s dragon boating team in Philadelphia with an entire crew made up of breast cancer survivors on the team, which gives her another emotional link to platelet donation.

For Jennifer, donating platelets fulfills her desire to help those in need and offers a profound sense of connection to her late mother. Sitting beside her mother during dialysis, Jennifer experienced the struggle firsthand. By donating platelets, she feels a deep closeness to her mother, as the aphaeresis machine becomes a symbolic link between them. It is a way for Jennifer to remember her mother’s strength and compassion while carrying on her legacy.

Jennifer openly admits that she feared needles, initially hindering her from becoming a blood donor. However, she confronted her fear head-on, inspired by her mother’s resilience and generosity. Jennifer began her blood donation journey by donating whole blood, gradually working her way up to platelets. Her determination and willingness to step out of her comfort zone exemplify the transformative power of overcoming personal obstacles.

When asked what advice she would give to someone considering blood donation for the first time, Jennifer emphasizes that it is not as scary or painful as one might think. Drawing from her own experience, she assures potential donors that the process becomes easier with each donation. Jennifer encourages people to embark on this immensely satisfying journey. She highlights the joy of using the Red Cross app to discover exactly where their blood has been utilized, allowing donors to witness their tangible impact on someone’s life.

In her own words, “We are so fortunate in this country to have life-saving blood available to us in an emergency, no questions asked. My hope is that everyone feels compelled to contribute to this incredible system, because keeping it running is the least we can do for each other and for our future selves.”

Jennifer’s story is a testament to the transformative power of blood donation and the impactful associations it can create. Through her journey, she has found comfort, strength, and a way to honor her mother’s memory. By sharing her experiences, Jennifer hopes to inspire others to join the cause, emphasizing the immense satisfaction of helping others and the ability to make a tangible difference in someone’s life. The gift of blood donation not only saves lives but also allows us to carry forward the legacies of our loved ones, creating a lasting impact that transcends time.

Red Cross Blood and Platelet Shortage

The American Red Cross is experiencing a national blood shortage. Fewer donors than needed gave blood this summer, drawing down the national blood supply and reducing distributions of some of the most needed blood types to hospitals. Donors of all blood types are urgently needed, and there’s an emergency need for type O blood donors, as well as platelet donors. More donors are needed now to ensure patients at hospitals across the country continue to receive critical medical care.    Schedule an appointment to give by downloading the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visiting or calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).

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