National Volunteer Week Spotlight: Sami Atalla

National Volunteer week is April 7th – April 13th, which means a lot to us at the American Red Cross because volunteers make up 90 percent of our workforce! Our volunteers are the true muscle behind the Red Cross. With endless compassion and dedication, Red Cross volunteers give us the valuable gift of their time as they help us achieve our mission day in and day out. That is why we wanted to highlight two volunteers from our Eastern Pennsylvania Region every day this Monday through Friday. 

Sami Atalla is a Disaster Action Team member, Community Outreach Team member,  a volunteer screener and works on the Pillowcase Project. He has been a volunteer since May of 2017 and was nominated by Kris Dumschat. Here’s what Kris had to say about Sami:

Sami Atalla

“On behalf of Lehigh Valley – Bucks Disaster Cycle Services, I would like to nominate Sami Atalla. Sami is a volunteer that helps out tremendously with both disaster teams (Bucks County & Lehigh Valley). He is active with our Sound the Alarm events, steps in to instruct at our Pillowcase Presentations and helps on disaster responses as well. Sami also participated in a Sound the Alarm campaign in Levittown, going house to house, meeting the residents, and learning that most did not know how to ask for help when they needed it. One house had three smoke alarms sitting on the piano, but the older couple living there said they weren’t able to properly install them. Sami helped install the smoke alarms and it helped them quite a bit. Below is a photo of Sami (on right) while teaching a Pillowcase Presentation to the Easton Boys & Girls Club a few weeks ago.”

Sami Atalla, on the right.

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